Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday's Fave Foods----Original Caesar Salad

In 1983, after graduating from California State University Sacramento, I moved back home. For those of you old enough to remember, we were in a terrible recession. I had been on my own all through college, and continued after graduation. But when I lost my job, I decided to move home and regroup. I got a job at this country club, and it was my start in the restaurant business. Here is one of the first things I learned.
Caesar Salad for 2---Alfredo Lopez*
1 anchovy
1 tsp of minced garlic in 1 tsp of olive oil
dash of Tabasco
dash of Worcestershire
1 tsp of Dijon mustard
pinch of dry mustard
dash of ground pepper
juice from 1/2 a lemon
3 TBSP of olive oil
1 and 1/2 TBSP of red wine vinegar
1 *coddled* egg
fresh chopped Romain leaves, enough for two people
2 TBSP of fresh grated Parmesan cheese
2 TBSP of homemade (or good quality) croutons
In a shallow bowl, mash anchovy and garlic together with a fork until smooth
Add ingredients except for lettuce, cheese and croutons, in order listed, mixing well to make a smooth liquid. Pour over romaine, which should be in a wooden salad bowl for best results. Toss gently about 3 times making sure the dressing has adhered to the lettuce leaves. Add Parmesan cheese and croutons, toss again. Serve, and cracked black pepper to taste.
NOTES: I still use a real egg for this recipes. To coddle, place egg in a cup with very very hot water and let it stand about 5 minutes. If you are concerned about *raw* eggs, a refrigerated egg substitute will likely work.
* Alfredo Lopez is a native of Guadalajara Mexico, and trained as a classical chef in Europe.
Why do most people assume California is about L.A. and the beach?

This shot was taken from the clubhouse.


Sarah said...

Caesar Salad is one of my favorite meals--especially with salmon. I've never tried making it before. I have no qualms with a real egg, but must sheepishly admit the anchovy part intimidates me.

PS- The best BBQ ever REALLY IS the best BBQ ev-ah!!!

Marta said...

The anchovy really only gives it flavor, you really don't taste it. Only up the anchovy and egg amounts if you are making for 6 or more.

I have to agree with you about the BBQ, it rocks!

Sarah said...

Anchovies are on this upcoming week's grocery list :)