Sunday, April 27, 2008

Glorious Spring!

Spring has most definitely arrived, and ready to burst forth in the garden! It is hard to keep up with it all, and I am behind in my maintenance of the yard, but I had to take a few moments for some photos.

Japanese Painted Fern, emerging

Larger Japanese Painted Fern with late, mini daffodils

Peony, a FABULOUS flowering shrub, about to bloom

Clematis, on the verge of bursting into bloom

Another of my favorites, Calla Lily. Not supposed to bloom in zone 7 where I live, but I found a micro climate in my yard where it does. I had these on the West Coast.

The Japanese Magnolia shrub I inherited when I moved into this place. It's not doing that well, although it has more blooms on it this year then it ever has. I have a good story about this plant, and will tell it at another time... however the few blooms I got are fabulous, as always!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

GORGEOUS!!! What a wonderful spring! Your garden is so far ahead of mine, timewise--my ferns began 'peeking' last week, and my peonies stems are now nearly 5 inches above ground ;) Thanks for posting the pics--it's exciting to think what's in store for me.