Sunday, July 20, 2008

Heavenly Handmade Soap

I have been wanting to put a plug in for my friend Leanne, who makes the most gorgeous handmade soaps you can imagine!

I bought some soap, and also her natural bug spray, to take with me to Haiti last month. I had little problems with mosquitoes there, as it was dryer than anticipated. I have found that I have used the heck out of this stuff since I have been home! I tend to work outside either early in the morning or in the later evening (mama did not raise a dummy) and especially in the evening, mosquitoes galore! It can be miserable! But this bug spray helps alot. I break the rules...she says do not put it on your face around your eyes, etc. We have mean, wily mosquitoes around these parts. I put it on my hands first, and then put it on my face and neck. But she is right. You do not want to get it in your eyes. Oh, and the best thing is, her bug spray and soap does not have that awful commercial insecticide smell to it, you know, the kind that almost puts you in a coma when you smell it. The kind where you can't stand to be around your own self when you put it on! Leanne's actually smells good!

Leanne has lots of other types of soaps too. So check her out. I also have her linked in the margin, under SHOP!

(Please excuse the watermarks on her labels. They arrived perfect, but around here, things get used, so it did not stay perfect for long!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm definately going to order some soaps from your friend. I don't splurge on make-up or clothes but I love homemade hand soap.
