"A dog is one of the remaining reasons why some people can be persuaded to go for a walk."~O.A. Battista
Because I have dogs, actually walk alot. When I don't feel like it, I am obliged. And that is a good thing. Sometimes when I am out early in the morning, or late in the evening, I see some amazing things. My (lack of) photographic skills do not allow me to capture it all, but sometimes I can replicate at least a glimpse.
Crepe Myrtle
Pyracantha***Firethorn. This grew like kudzu in the Bay Area, and used to give us a show every year
- White fragrant blossoms in the spring
- thousands of red-orange berries in the fall and winter
- lots and lots of drunk birds (berries are considered 'poisonous')
I don't see too much of this around here because it is a warm -weather shrub, and only a few varieties can survive the freeze zone. But this one is right down the street. I used to get homesick alot, and this darn bush made me feel better!
Those flowers are "naked ladies." Botanically,amaryllis belladona, sometimes referred to as belladonna lilies,but always, naked ladies. One of the most foolproof and beautiful bulbs around. The foliage,strap like leaves appear in the spring,later drying and disappearing. Then around this time of year the lovely ladies appear. They are around many old homesteads. Enjoy!
Thank you very much anonymous! I knew they had a story!!!
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